Make QPS two-way for Carnival

THE EDITOR: Every year, the issues are the same: unrelenting traffic around the Queen's Park Savannah (QPS) caused by Carnival activities and resulting in delays and inconvenience for many, and in the case of the residents of Cascade and St Ann's, a long weekend of self-imposed internment at home. God forbid there's a serious accident or incident, us residents are tough folk who know all too well that if you are going to fall ill or start a fire, it's best advised to wait until midnight on Ash Wednesday.

But it's not a situation that is without hope. And salvation lies in the simplest of solutions: make traffic around the savannah two-way for Carnival; and do so, not from 2 am on Carnival Monday morning but starting from 7 am on the Saturday preceding.

Should the powers that be (and I'm looking at you Commissioner Griffith. Gary. Double G?) take this universally welcomed decision to open up the traffic on Saturday morning, he would be saving commuters the inconvenience created by Kiddies Carnival, Panorama, J'Ouvert and the Parade of the Bands, as well as earned the gratitude of the residents of St Ann's and Cascade, who have long wilted under the duress of being called on to make sacrifices at a time of the year that should be reserved solely for merriment and revelry.

In your short tenure to date, you have brought an element of practicality to your office. To open up the Savannah to two-way traffic for the entire Carnival weekend is to provide a practical solution to an anticipated problem. Don't delay any further Commissioner! Do this, get the job done and earn our continued respect and appreciation.




"Make QPS two-way for Carnival"

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