Troubling reports on discarding of Paray

THE EDITOR: I write to express my deep concern over reports that the UNC leadership is considering removing Rushton Paray as the Member of Parliament for Mayaro.
This is a baffling and troubling decision, as Paray has consistently been one of the most effective and hard-working MPs in the party.
His dedication to his constituency, his efforts to address critical issues like agriculture, VAT refunds, and small business support, and his calm and professional demeanour have made him a standout in the Parliament and in the UNC.
This raises the question: why would the party remove one of its best-performing MPs? Is it because Paray represents competence and integrity, qualities that some in the leadership may find threatening?
It makes me wonder: if Paray – and MPs Anita Haynes and Dinesh Rambally who may also be discarded – were involved in scandals, would they be treated differently? Would they be given the same leniency and favouritism that others seem to enjoy in the UNC?
The party must explain the rationale behind these decisions. If loyalty, dedication, and performance are no longer valued, then what exactly is the criteria for selection?
The people of Mayaro deserve answers, as do the supporters of the UNC who are watching the party make baffling choices that seem designed to alienate its best and brightest.
If the UNC is serious about returning to government, it must focus on retaining and promoting MPs, like Paray, who have the vision and the work ethic to inspire voters. Otherwise, it risks being seen as a party more interested in internal politics than in the welfare of the country.
St Augustine
"Troubling reports on discarding of Paray"