Caricom justifies TT on Venezuela
CARICOM has supported TT's position abouts ongoing political, economic and social turmoil in Venezuela. In a statement today, Caricom leaders called for a peaceful resolution of the situation in Venezuela. They also called on external forces to refrain from intervening in Venezuela. Caricom also offered to mediate with parties in Venezuela to resolve the situation.
Speaking with Newsday after the opening of a community library in Mt Hope, Young said, "I am certain that our Prime Minister would have played an integral role in ensuring the position taken by Caricom leaders." Caricom's statement completely "mirror images" TT's sovereign position in the matter, Young observed.
He added, "I was extremely pleased to see it but not at all surprised." Caricom indicated current chairman St Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister Timothy Harris would seek an urgent meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, to request the UN's assistance to resolve this matter. Outside of the outcome of that meeting, Young said TT stood ready to help in any form of mediation.
He reiterated it was up to the parties in Venezuela to request mediation and it was an internal issue for the Venezuelan people. Young said the UN had the "gravitas to be able to help this situation."
On the return of two TT boys from Syria, Young said, "I think enough has been said."
The boys are being assessed by the Children's Authority. The court has issued an order which prevents the media from publishing images of the boys and using their names. The Government is monitoring the situation.
Young said, "We hold ousselves as the State, available to use whatever resources we can within reasonability to assist them getting re-integrated."
"Caricom justifies TT on Venezuela"