We can save sinking ship
THE EDITOR: With the mast held high on the sails of 2019 resolutions, we face the new year as a nation cheering with one hand and a balled up fist with the other.
January 1 arrived but the bells no longer toll with the same idealistic dreams we once held as a younger nation. We have become a tired, jaded people with the news of the first murders of the year. A familiar blood ritual to bind our misery with indifference.
We have all suffered from the blows of crime, disaster and racial division. We need to stop the autopilot and face ourselves in the mirror. Is this the country we want to be? The idea that a single person cannot make a difference is a lie told to keep us from changing the world. Even changing the life of one fellow Trinidadian could transform our nation into something we want to reflect.
We must take responsibility for the state of our country. Not just blame the Government, or brush it aside. If we take responsibility for the way things are ourselves, we can take back the captain position on our journey. Together we can navigate and steer by making it our nation to fix – not someone else’s.
Do what we can, not for ourselves but for country. Our ship is sinking and we have only the crew of our countrymen to save it.
This year will not be easy. But wade on we must through its murky waters to social revolution.
VERE MARIE KHAN via e-mail
"We can save sinking ship"