Heritage reports fourth act of sabotage

Heritage Petroleum Co Ltd has launched an investigation into another act of sabotage which occurred at a Palo Seco oil well on Friday.

In a media release, the company stated an upper valve was stolen from well #912 in Palo Seco, resulting in a “mist of oil being sprayed onto a remote grassy area.”

Three barrels of oil was estimated to have escaped due to the incident.

“The well was discovered today (Friday, December 28, 2018) at 11.30 am by HSE personnel and a response team was immediately dispatched. A new upper valve was installed to contain the well pressure and prevent further leakage.”

“The act of sabotage was reported to the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) at Santa Flora.”


This is the fourth act of sabotage at Heritage facilities in the past four weeks.


"Heritage reports fourth act of sabotage"

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