Eating local in 2019

CONFUCIUS said: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We all know, at the start of each year, many resolutions are made, and an equal amount are disbanded by the first quarter, as old habits take priority over newly-formed ones.
For 2019 why don’t we try a new approach, start with small changes, make those our new habits and add on as the year progresses.
I am speaking about our food choices and our environment. Can we all try to make more sustainable and eco-friendly choices where our food is concerned? Let’s go to the markets, there are many throughout TT to choose from. Buy local fruits and vegetables, shop with reusable shopping bags, say no to plastic whenever we can.
Avoid imported vegetables, we don’t need imported romaine lettuce. We now have a variety of locally grown lettuces, and a variety of newish greens that are so delicious, they make a wonderful addition to our traditional greens, like kale, microgreens, beet greens and mustard greens. There is always an abundance of fresh fruit at the market from pineapples to papayas, figs and bananas, watermelon and seasonal fruits like pomerac, sapodillas, caimates etc. Try incorporating these into desserts. Eat less meat, it’s better for the environment and for our good health as well. Switch out beef for more sustainable meats like goat and lamb. Reduce the amount of chicken in your diet, remember there are steroids and antibiotics that go into commercially reared chickens, those are inevitable passed onto you the end user .
Eat a more veggie centric diet with fish and seafood that is locally sourced. Flavour with our hot peppers, pimentos and fresh herbs.
Incorporate our local starches into your daily menus, like peas, ground provisions and our locally grown rice.
We all have to begin the movement towards a more sustainable way of living and a more eco-friendly diet too. Here are some local recipes for you to start 2019 with.
Happy New Year!
Bake or fry crab n’cassava cakes
12 ozs cassava or yuca, peeled
12 ozs crab meat, picked over
1 cup grated red onion
½ cup finely chopped parsley
½ cup chopped chadon beni or cilantro
½ cup bread crumbs
1 tsp pepper sauce
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tsp minced garlic
4 tbs fresh lime juice
salt to taste
vegetable oil to fry
Grate cassava very finely, this will help to release some of the starchy juices, this will help the mixture to bind.
Combine with the balance of the ingredients except the oil, mix well.
Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan, form cakes with your hand about 2 to 3 inches in diameter.
Gently pan fry until golden and cooked through on each side. Drain.
For a lighter side: You can also bake these, preheat oven to 400F, oil a baking sheet, brush generously with vegetable oil or melted butter, place crab cakes onto sheet and bake for 5 minutes, until crisp at the bottom.
Turn, brush with oil again, bake until golden, remove.
Serve with ginger, orange dip.
Ginger orange dip
½ cup good quality orange
2 tbs Chinese chilli sauce
½ tsp grated ginger
2 tbs rice vinegar
Combine all the ingredients
and stir.
Lambie Souse
2 lbs lambie, cleaned, tenderised
and chopped
1 onion
1 cucumber
2 large limes, juiced
½ cup chopped parsley
¼ cup chopped cilantro or chadon beni
1 hot pepper, seeded and chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper.
1 lime sliced
Steam lambie for about 3 to 4 minutes, remove and drain,
Place in a glass bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and cover and refrigerate for about 3 to 4 hours.
Serve cold
Serves 4 to 6
Grilled pineapple with brown sugar and rum
There’s something to be said about grilling fresh pineapple, the fruit becomes succulent and juicy absorbing all the flavours they are infused with.
Serve with ice cream or on its own for a perfect fat free dessert
1 large pineapple
½ cup brown sugar
¼ cup dark rum
1 tsp bitters
Preheat grill or broiler
Peel pineapple, remove eyes then cut into half lengthways.
Now cut these lengths into eight lengths.
Remove centre core.
Line a shallow baking pan or dish with foil.
Place pineapple into this, sprinkle with sugar, bitters and rum.
Grill or broil until pineapple turns brownish and sugar starts to bubble and caramelise.
Serve warm as is or with ice cream.
Serves 6 to 8
"Eating local in 2019"