Turmeric, frankincense, myrrh – gifts of health
THE EDITOR: It is not my intention to question what most believe about the Christmas story, and the gifts presented to the Christ child but, rather, to tell you about three products that can work wonders for your health. That two of them were presented to the baby Jesus is mere coincidence but, indeed, they must have been exceptional to qualify as gifts fit for a king. Still, here’s some food for thought.
Because of its golden colour, turmeric has been called “the golden spice.” At the time of Jesus’ birth, because of its scarcity, turmeric was more precious than gold and, in some quarters, was actually referred to as “gold.” Is it possible that the gift of gold was really turmeric? Some scholars speculate that this hypothesis is plausible (three spices seem more logical than two spices and gold) but that’s a discussion for another time.
With that said, let’s take a brief look at what makes turmeric, frankincense and myrrh so special. All the claims made are backed up by a total of several thousand peer-reviewed journal articles.
As examples, the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry published research which showed that the aromatic turmerone found in turmeric essential oil inhibited undesirable enzymatic activity and expression of MMP-9 and COX-2 in human breast cancer cells (it protects against breast cancer). And a 2013 study at the University of Leicester found that a chemical compound found in frankincense called AKBA (acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid) was successful at killing ovarian cancer cells.
Turmeric, frankincense and myrrh form a synergistic triad of three of the world’s most powerful healing substances. This means that while they are effective by themselves, their healing power is increased in combination with each other. For example, researchers in China found that human breast and skin cancer cell lines showed increased sensitivity to the combination of myrrh and frankincense essential oils, as opposed to each oil acting alone.
Dr Sunil Pai, from the Integrative Medicine Health Center in New Mexico, explained that what sets turmeric, frankincense, and myrrh apart from most other substances is that they directly support a normal healthy inflammatory response.
Inflammation is the body’s normal response to an injury. The purpose of inflammation is to repair whatever damage was incurred and restore proper balance throughout the body (homeostasis). But when inflammation gets out of control or is prolonged for various reasons, serious chronic illness can result. These three substances can prevent this from happening.
Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and detox agent that helps to protect cleansing organs like the liver from toxic overload. It benefits the heart, respiratory system, circulatory system, stomach, intestines, oral cavity, reproductive system and central nervous system. Turmeric has the ability to reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness related to rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Turmeric essential oil can help fight against two common mood disorders – depression and anxiety.
Frankincense is considered an anti-aging elixir, as it has the ability to improve virtually every system of the body, from the brain and vital organs to the central nervous system and the microbiota (bacteria, fungi, viruses, among others). It boosts the immune system function, reduces stress reactions and negative emotions, heals skin, prevents signs of aging, improves memory and learning functions, eases digestion and can help you to fall asleep.
Myrrh is a potent antioxidant with the potential to protect against liver damage. Researchers found that it inhibited growth in eight different types of cancer cells, specifically gynecological cancers. Myrrh is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic, so it can be used to treat wounds and prevent infections. Studies show it is particularly effective against staph infections.
There’s much, much more and many books have been written about the health benefits of turmeric, frankincense and myrrh. Hopefully, I have whetted your appetite to learn more about these ancient healing wonders. In this season of gift-giving, what greater present can you give yourself and your loved ones than the gift of health?
"Turmeric, frankincense, myrrh – gifts of health"