Wife defends husband in home invasion

A Guyanese man in his mid thirties is under police watch receiving treatment for a chop wound he received during a confrontation with the owners of a house he allegedly broke into this morning.

According to a police source, the man broke into a house at Edinburgh 500, Chaguanas, at around 3 am. The owners of the home were sleeping upstairs but heard a noise.

One of the owners went downstairs with a cutlass to check and upon seeing the man attempted to subdue him. During the fight the suspect took the cutlass and chopped the man on the head, but his wife came to his defense and wrestled the cutlass away from the bandit, chopping him once on his right hand.

The bandit jumpred through an open window and ran to the Chaguanas District Health Facility. When asked by the doctor how he received the wound, the man said he was the victim of a break-in, in which he was chopped by the bandit.

However the doctor did not believe him and notified the police who arrived and placed the man in custody. He was later transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex where he is receiving treatment under police guard.

The man is being questioned in relation to a series of robberies in the Endeavour and Lange Park areas.


"Wife defends husband in home invasion"

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