Tobago high child abuse also
THE EDITOR: I was taken by surprise when I saw the child statistics of Tobago some 415, over a three year period, reported cases of child abuse. Oh yes, small Tobago is also having their share of this problem. Funnily enough, in my mind, I only saw Trinidad and the thousands of reported cases over the years. Never, for once, did I give consideration to Tobago.
The fact remains that we do have a serious problem in both islands and this should not be treated lightly. Please forgive me, but I cannot in my wildest dream see why a parent should abuse a child, your very own, most of the time. In my humble opinion there is no excuse for this type of behaviour. I know, at times, children can push you but there are better ways in dealing with situations like these. What is even worse is when parents put their children in care of other people and they are even being paid to look after them and abuse also taking place by some of these people.
The law must be enforced speedily in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves – our children. Those who are choosing the nation's children to vent their frustration and pain must know, without a doubt, this will not be tolerated in any form. When children are treated in this manner – being abused – their entire life can take a negative shift for bitterness and resentment can be developed in them.
Let us do what is right and stop the abuse.
Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan
"Tobago high child abuse also"