Where is Presbyterian voice?


HIGH Court judge Frank Seepersad yesterday slammed the silence of the Presbyterian Church after several faith-based organisations recently publicly voiced their objection to any change in the law to allow for same sex marriages in this country.

On June 11, several religious leaders, including Archbishop Jason Gordon and Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha secretary general Sat Maharaj, called on government to amend the Marriage Act to prevent the introduction of same sex marriage and for no amendments to the Equal Opportunity Act that would facilitate the LGBTQIA community.

Speaking during the 147th anniversary celebrations of the Susumachar Presbyterian church on Coffee Street in San Fernando yesterday, Justice Seepersad reminded the congregation that Christ had said, “he who is without sin cast the first stone”, while embracing the prostitute and despised tax collector.

He said the church, as well as the nation, are at a crossroads as the "vision which the nation and church had been forged was no longer clear but obscured. The less optimistic among us feel that the church's future is grim and that the nation is on the verge of becoming a failed state.

He was speaking on the theme, “Church and country, a need for a vision.” He said the Presbyterian Church had left an indelible mark on the nation’s landscape but had to face the reality of dwindling congregations and an aging population.


Regarding same sex relationships, he said while the faith based organisations had displayed a level of intolerance and hate which seemed to be target those persons, Seepersad wondered where was the Presbyterian Church’s voice on this “very important national issue.”

“We have been told that this congregation is a guiding light. Where has the voice of this guiding light been when we are confronted with statements of hatred and intolerance. Have we forgotten that Christ, in whom we profess our faith embraced the prostitute, attended the home of the hated tax collector, have we forgotten that He said, 'he who is without sin, cast the first stone'."

He said the Church, like the nation, had to possess a clear set of principles and not change direction with the election of a new church head or leader of government. Seepersad said Christ was a “man of action” and urged the congregation to stop being “pew warmers” and become “focused Christian soldiers.”


"Where is Presbyterian voice?"

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