Police on alert after hit list

POLICE are on high alert after a list of several men believed to be members of a notorious local gang began circulating on social media.
At the Weekly Police Press Briefing held at the Police Administration Building in Port of Spain, Public Information Officer ASP Michael Jackman told reporters police were aware of the list, and reminded every police officer to be mindful of the fact that they need to do the job of protecting and serving citizens now more than ever.
"There is always a concern with a break out of violence, that is why the TT Police Service will continue to be vigilant," Jackman said
Jackman said police do not yet have any clues as to the origin of the list, and said the executive of the police service will determine how to react to the discovery of the list.
On Tuesday, it was discovered that the identities, whereabouts and a brief history of at least 45 men believed to be members of the "Rasta City" gang had been compiled, and had been circulating on social media.
"Police on alert after hit list"