That’s not what I said

THE EDITOR: The article by Julien Neaves titled “Imbert: Cadiz had shares in company” is grossly inaccurate. The video record of the public meeting at the Barataria Community Centre on June 7 will bear this out.

Neaves erroneously states in this article that I said that while Stephen Cadiz was transport minister he had shares in a company that maintained the water taxis.

However, he contradicts himself later on in the article when he correctly states that Cadiz transferred the shares in Tropical Power to his wife when he went into government.

There are several other inaccuracies in the article. It is unfortunate that your reporter could get this story so wrong.

It is a fact that Tropical Power formed a joint venture with SVF International called SVF Trinidad and Tobago in 2014 and that this company became the local agent servicing the MTU engines on the water taxis when Cadiz was the transport minister.


It is a fact that Tropical Power was owned and operated by Cadiz’ close relatives in 2014/2015, among others.

It is a fact that Cadiz had line responsibility for the water taxi service in 2014/2015, and that his ministry was given an allocation of $40.38 million in the Estimates of Expenditure for 2014/2015 to operate the water taxi service.

But there is no need for your reporter to muddle up these facts with his own version of reality.

, Finance Minister


"That’s not what I said"

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