Mc Hutchinson’s funeral on Monday

WHILE relatives of Ashdale Mc Hutchinson prepare to say their final farewells at a funeral expected to be held on Monday in Tunapuna, police are making headway in the investigation into his death, which allegedly came at the hands of an angry mob of vigilantes in Oropune two Wednesdays ago.
Newsday was told Mc Hutchinson’s funeral will be held at the Tunapuna Anglican Chucrch on Morton Street, and will start at 2 pm.
He will be buried at the Tunapuna Cemetery.
Police told Newsday that at least eight people have been interviewed, and footage of the savage beating was reviewed in an effort to identify some of the people who were involved in the attack.
Mc Hutchinson, an Arouca resident, was in Oropune visiting a relative.
Newsday understands he was drinking, had become intoxicated and was going to a parlour near his relatives’ home to get a cigarette.
He is said to have met a child and was speaking to her when he was accused of trying to lure the girl away.
He was chased into some nearby bush by residents.
The mob set the bush on fire to flush him out, and when he ran out, they held him, beat him, stripped off his clothes and tied him up, while others called the police.
He was so badly beaten that he was hospitalised up until last Sunday, when he died.
An autopsy showed he died from a blow to the back of his head on the right side.
"Mc Hutchinson’s funeral on Monday"