Tea By The Sea

CHARMAIN PIERRE wants to highlight domestic abuse against women and the ripple effect on the family structure via a vehicle which does not push others to feel too uncomfortable.
As a result, she and her daughter Jhunean Giraud started Tea By The Sea in 2016. The event usually occurs in May, as Pierre said, “We found it was a good month to celebrate women because of Mother’s Day, because it is the month of mothers.”
The tea party will be produced by their management company, Black Tie Event Management Company, with the hope of increasing their audience attendance from 150 to 200. It takes place tomorrow at Crews Inn and Hotel, Chaguaramas.
Pierre said, “The purpose of Tea by the Sea is to acknowledge the number of women who are subjected to domestic abuse and violence, leaving many fighting for their lives or dead. It is also to highlight the ripple effect it has on the family structure and the negative effects which happen to the children of these families.”
Therefore, mother and daughter partnered with The Shelter for Battered Women and Children to do this project. As they realised they could not actively prevent domestic violence, they began this event in hopes of raising funds for the shelter which actively helps victims.
Pierre said, “The structure of the programme is education, fashion, and entertainment year after year. However, the persons delivering those elements change.”
The event opens with an address from a representative and former client of the Shelter for Battered Women and Children on the topic Your Love Not Better Than Mine; My Love Not Better Than Yours. Following the address, a forum will take place on identifying the early signs of abuse, the psychological effects of abuse on the family, coping mechanisms and the types of services offered by the shelter. President of the shelter, Sandra Basheer will deliver the feature address.
Tea By The Sea will also feature a fashion show by local designers Shaun Griffith Perez and Kathyann Thomas Elbourne with live music entertainment by Wendy-Ann Fraser. Pedro Lezama play his saxophone. In addition, there will be a bonnet parade parade for newborns and up to 18-years-old.
The celebratory survival cake, which Pierre said, “celebrates the survivors of domestic violence, is a naked cake that represents the truths of society…the dark truth that many women lose their lives to domestic abuse.”
There will be prizes for the best-dressed, oldest and youngest mother.
The event begins at 2pm and ends at 8pm.
For more info: Black Tie Event Management – TT on Facebook and Instagram.
"Tea By The Sea"