Galleons Passage encounters mechanical problems

The Galleons Passage
The Galleons Passage

THE Galleons Passage experienced mechanical problems during its 17-day journey through the Pacific Ocean until it reached Acapulco, Mexico where it is now moored.

Newsday yesterday confirmed with Acapulco’s harbour master Enrique Dominguez, who said that a faulty water pump affected the boat’s power supply. It has been on the port since it arrived on April 28 and Newsday was told that the part is expected to be shipped by the end of this week. When the part is replaced, the Galleons Passage–a catamaran passenger ferry bought by the Government to service the inter-island seabridge–will then embark on its five-day journey to Panama and then head to Cuba.

Dominguez told Newsday the boat is not expected to leave until next Tuesday.

The Galleons Passage, which is a new boat built in China, made the rigorous Pacific ocean journey of 17 days from Honolulu, Hawaii. But satellite tracking days before it reached Acapulco, showed the boat chugged along at a mere two knots in the middle of the Pacific. Another boat went alongside it until it reached Acapulco.

The Galleons Passage is expected to take ten hours to cross the Panama Canal when it leaves Acapulco and sail for two or three days to reach the Caribbean on its way to Cuba. The journey to Cuba is approximately five days.



"Galleons Passage encounters mechanical problems"

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