Modernise our laws carefully

THE EDITOR: The political directorate and related security agencies cannot and should no longer remain helpless to the scourge of uncontrolled crime in TT. Blatant attacks on infants, children, teenagers, adults, and even senior citizens cannot continue with impunity.

In the heyday of the Wild West, outlaws who made the mistake to be caught stealing horses or cattle were hanged on the spot.

Throughout history, sexual assault, sodomy and lesbianism were unacceptable. Sodomy, according to the jurisdiction, was punished by incarceration, execution, crucifixion, the cutting off of hands and feet, or exile from the land.

Lesbianism was addressed by acceptance, stoning, confinement indoors, dismemberment, or burning. It is to be noted that generally sexual assault was considered so serious that it stipulated death for perpetrators. Until recently, the tendency for both homosexuals and lesbians was to strive to confine their activities in the closet. Of course, visible deviants always emerged. My point is to admit that I have never supported anti-homosexuality or anti-lesbianism attitudes. My rationale is rooted in my interpretation of and focus on the core freedoms and the right of redress highlighted in the constitutions of most democracies – especially the rights and freedoms of other people.

However, I now understand that when it comes to reframing our laws, we have to ensure that loopholes are blocked; that every freedom or right must have a corresponding responsibility. Citizens must be allowed to move about, live in peace, and enjoy property safely.


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"Modernise our laws carefully"

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