Advise Maduro, not Dr Rowley
THE EDITOR: While we in TT need to show some compassion for the plight of our Venezuelan neighbours, the constant harping of those international bodies leave a lot to be desired.
First, when and why did we get a resident UNHCR representative in our country? Richard Blewitt states on TV that we must do better. Who is he? Obviously a European, Blewitt insists on giving us advise we did not ask for.
The EU has completely failed in its immigration/refugee programme but nevertheless wants to shove that failed policy down the throat of a small-island nation like ours, which we cannot afford to comply with. And Blewitt is upset. Well that’s too bad.
Now one Erika Guevara Rosas of Amnesty International writes Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to warn and advise him of our obligations.
One would think they would spend their time concentrating on Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro who continues to create these problems in our region.
There are 33 million people in Venezuela and 1.5 million people in TT – and 1.5 is not divisible by 33. The same as 50 pounds of potatoes cannot fit in a five-pound bag.
Yes, we need to help our neighbors as best as we can, but we need order on the border.
, Maraval
"Advise Maduro, not Dr Rowley"