Sign of a good system

THE EDITOR: As a parent I was happy to learn that our schools reopened on time for the new school term after the Easter vacation and our children were able to go to school in a safe, comfortable environment.

Despite one or two issues in a few schools, generally students

were able, without delay, to resume their education, which is vital to provide them with critical life skills.

Without these life skills students would struggle to find a good job that would enable them to earn a decent living and to survive in a very competitive local job market, which increasingly needs an educated, skilled workforce.

Compared to many other countries, TT has a high literacy rate, thanks to a system that provides all children with the opportunity to obtain an education, generally free of charge. There are not many other nations that can boast of this achievement.


There are children in other countries who never get an education because their parents cannot afford to send them to school. You also have students who are able to attend school but under very difficult conditions.

Thank God that the majority of schools in TT are in good condition and are able to provide a conducive, learning atmosphere for students.

So, despite the tough economic times, it is commendable that the Ministry of Education is still able to ensure that schools reopened their doors to welcome our students back.



"Sign of a good system"

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