Lok Jack’s distinguished leadership conference on May 24

The UWI- Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business will host the Distinguished Leadership and Innovation Conference (DLIC) on May 24, featuring best-selling author Professor Luke Williams.

A release from Lok Jack said the conference, titled D Day: a Master Conference on Disruption, will offer insights into how to achieve positive transformation in your business through disruptive change, which is at the core of innovative leadership. Over the years, the DLIC has continued to adapt its theme and team of panellists to respond to global, regional and local trends, the economic climate, market shifts and emerging schools of thought to guide leaders on how to stand out, stay relevant and stay ahead of the game.

“The DLIC offers the opportunity to obtain insights into leadership and innovation from the most outstanding global experts. It has provided the impetus to redirect the strategy of leading local companies and organisations, defying the notion of a conference as 'talk' in its propensity to stimulate real action in companies and public institutions,” said Dr Kamla Mungal, director Accreditation and Quality Enhancement Centre/Leadership Institute, Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business.

As a professor of Innovation and Design at the NYU Stern School of Business, founder and executive director of the W.R. Berkley Innovation Labs and Fellow at Frog Design, Williams has been touted as a leading business contributor and commentator. He has been featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Fast Company and has also addressed the World Innovation Forum and the United Nations General Assembly. He has worked with clients like Virgin, Disney, Crocs, Sony, GE, Hewlett-Packard and American Express to develop new products, services and brands. He has more than 30 US patents and has designed over 100 products in industries ranging from transportation to finance, and healthcare to consumer electronics.

He will introduce local and regional captains of industry to the concepts of disruptive thinking, disruptive leadership and disruptive technologies.



"Lok Jack’s distinguished leadership conference on May 24"

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