Your son’s murder is being investigated

ME AND MY SON: Shakar Beephan is seen in this photo with his son Jesse who almost a year ago, was found murdered at the back of the Waterloo High School. To date, his killer remains at large.
ME AND MY SON: Shakar Beephan is seen in this photo with his son Jesse who almost a year ago, was found murdered at the back of the Waterloo High School. To date, his killer remains at large.


THE Police Complaints Authority (CPA) has written to the father of murdered schoolboy Jesse Beephan to say investigations are continuing.

The PCA, through its legal officer Veera Bhajan (Legal Counsel II), on Tuesday told Shakar Beephan, all aspects of the investigation are continuing and at the end of the probe, he will be contacted and apprised.

The letter from Bhajan said, “Further to our conversation on March 12, 2018, please be advised that the subject matter is currently engaging the attention of the PCA. At this stage the file is being reviewed by the Legal Department of the PCA. At the completion of our investigation you shall be informed in writing of our findings and recommendations (if any).

“Should you require any further clarification/information on the matter please feel free to contact the undersigned at the number listed below.”


Yesterday, Beephan told Newsday he contacted the PCA on March 12 out of frustration, as several months had passed and he had heard nothing further from the PCA or the police.

Beephan’s MP, Rudy Indarsingh, wrote to acting CoP Stephen Williams on February 21, asking for a status report on the investigation.

Jesse, 16, a Form Four student of the Waterloo High School, was beaten to death last year on March 20 and his body dumped in bush behind the school.

Three students were detained but subsequently released.

Next week Thursday will mark a year since Jesse’s murder, with his killer still at large.


"Your son’s murder is being investigated"

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