Faris backtracks on ISIS: says Newsday "misunderstood" comments

File photo. Attorney General Faris Al Rawi.
File photo. Attorney General Faris Al Rawi.


Attorney General Faris Al Rawi has backtracked on his comments, reported in the Sunday Newsday, where he denied media reports– and the Parliamentary record– that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley had been misrepresented when he affirmed to House of Represenatives on Friday that ISIS cells were operating in Trinidad.

Al Rawi, in a media release yesterday, said his comments were "regrettably misunderstood."

He said he had "observed commentary... which seeks to paint conflicting views in the Government."

"(The country) remains firmly committed to the global, regional and local fight against terrorism and the financing of terrorism in all its forms. The position of the Government as articulated by the Prime Minister in question time in the Parliament on Friday, February 16, 2018, stands clear. The country must remain eternally vigilant in its fight against terrorism, the financing of terrorism and the cohorts of money laundering and corruption," the release stated


When contacted by the Newsday yesterday to clarify exactly what about his comments was misunderstood, Al Rawi said he would rather leave his statement as is, and declined to comment further.


"Faris backtracks on ISIS: says Newsday "misunderstood" comments"

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