Icons postponed, Divas open

A lack of patronage caused management of the Icons Calypso Tent to postpone its opening night at the Ambassador Hotel on Long Circular Road, St James, on Thursday evening leaving 20 seasoned calypsonians, including LLewlyn McIntosh (Short Pants) and his daughter Heather very disappointed.
The show was scheduled to begin at 8.15 pm but nothing was happening at that time. It was not until 9 pm that MC Mr Nixon made an announcement that the show was cancelled.
Icons tent is run by four-times Calypso Monarch Western “Cro Cro” Rawlins and his manager Crystal Rowley. She told Newsday the patronage was too poor and without the necessary funds they could not pay the music band to backup the artistes. Rowley said they were owing the musicians from their last show in Point Fortin.
Leader of the band Wayne Guerra admitted the musicians were not prepared to play without receiving payment on the night but did agree to a dress rehearsal last night as the judges will be visiting the tent today.
Former minister of culture Joan Yulie Williams and Point Fortin Mayor Abdon Mason were among the few patrons at the Ambassador.
Cro Cro lamented the lack of sponsorship and complimented High Voltage, Fess and Ashton Chateau, all friends in Point Fortin for their assistance.
Meanwhile Divas International Cabaret opened at Newtown Playboys panyard on Tragarete Road to a very small audience but their show went on. Leader Rudolph Ottley said he has tailored a show with 12 singers and will be roving for the rest of the season. Their show is dedicated the the Calypso King of the World, the Mighty Sparrow.
In the east at La Joya Complex, St Joseph, Kaiso Karavan also cancelled its show for Thursday evening because of a lack of patronage.
But Spektakula Promotions was smiling as its show Calypso Thru the Years at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya, pulled a sizeable audience.
The difference here was the type of performers on the show. Rudder, Baron, Relator, Rikki Jai, Funny, Chuck Gordon, Voice and Nailah Blackman performed.
"Icons postponed, Divas open"