Help homeless in 2018
THE EDITOR: As the year closes, one of the things that I believe we need to deal with in the new year is the growing number of street dwellers.
This issue has plagued us for the longest while, and many meetings, suggestions and promises have been made over the years to no avail. TT, even in the midst of the present economic downturn is, surely, still in a position to help homeless people.
Remember that along with the human aspect, as a country, the current homeless situation does not reflect well on us. Visitors will take note.
We want tourists to leave with pleasant memories so that they may return along with their friends and family. The image of our homeless on the streets of the capital is not likely to make that happen. I am certain there are people in charge of handling all of this. Please, I appeal to you: for 2018 – which is a few days away – take the plan from the drawing board and begin implementation. Such a move would benefit all.
Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan
"Help homeless in 2018"