Tentative date for PSA elections

A new date has been tentatively set for the Public Services Association’s (PSA) new executive elections and embattled members of the union have assured a high court judge they will give their best efforts to get back on an election footing.

The tentative date and the assurances were given at a status hearing of the complaint by one of the four teams contesting the elections.

Yesterday’s hearing was to report back to Justice Nadia Kangaloo on the outcome of Monday’s conference of delegates.

Attorney John Heath, who appears for the PSA’s election committee, said the conference was held and sought to treat with all the issues raised by team PSA Fixers in their lawsuit.

He informed the judge that February 19 is the tentative date set for the new executive election.

“There is now the opportunity to get back on track with an election,” he said. In response to one of the outstanding complaints by team PSA Fixers, Heath said what was being asked for has never been done at all by the union for an election, but his clients will do their best to see if it can be done.

The Fixers are asking that the dates members of the PSA joined be inserted by their names on the voters’ list.

Heath said it was a monumental task, but the committee will find a way to see if it can be done.

He added, however, that the lack of these dates cannot be considered an irregularity and it would be disappointing if the matter had to go to trial.

Kangaloo, who has fixed another status hearing for January 8, urged both sides to work together, but said she was still prepared to give a ruling on January 27, if the matter goes to trial. There are four teams contesting the election: Game Changers, led by incumbent president Watson Duke; United Public Officers led by Oral Saunders; the Fixers, led by Solomon Gabriel; and Team Sentinel, led by Nixon Callender. The Fixers are represented by attorney Raisa Caesar.


"Tentative date for PSA elections"

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