Good use of intelligence by police

THE EDITOR: Most of us are quick to condemn the police when they fall short of what they ought to deliver. But we must also praise them when they do good. It will motivate the hard-working ones to press on serving the country. In fact, if they can be rewarded in some tangible or intangible way, it will be even better.

Last month, officers from the South Western Division intercepted a police vehicle with two officers from the Port of Spain Division who were escorting another vehicle with men known to be from the underworld.

They allegedly found drugs, arms and ammunition in the police vehicle.

Congratulations to those officers for using their instinct and knowledge and for their determination in pursuing the police suspects.

This incident also shows that this is a success story in the use of intelligence by the mobile patrol officers.


Very often, officers may want to turn a blind eye to suspicious or illegal activities of their peers. Of course, the Police Service should protect these officers accordingly.

These are some of the risks that our officers face daily. The public should support them and not support and protect the criminals as we see happening in some communities.

Any officers found guilty of breaking the law should face the full brunt of the police’s disciplinary procedures as well as the State’s criminal laws in an expeditious manner.

Also, the public will want more mobile patrol officers to pattern the south-western officers.

IAN RAMDHANIE via e-mail


"Good use of intelligence by police"

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