Tunapuna man drowns in Blanchisseuse

An afternoon hike turned tragic yesterday when 23-year-old Isiah Jemiel Mitchell went for a swim at Three Pools in Blanchiesseuse but encountered difficulty in the water and drowned.
According to reports Mitchell, a Tunapuna resident, along with five other friends arrived at the waterfall just after 1 pm yesterday and began swimming in the pool.
One of the hikers remained on the land to keep watch over the belongings when she noticed Mitchell began drifting away from the rest of bathers.
She reportedly turned her back briefly and when she looked in his direction again, he had disappeared beneath the water.
The woman called out to other swimmers who found Mitchell's body motionless at the bottom of the pool.
Hikers were unable to resuscitate him.
Officers of the North Eastern Division Task Force were contacted and took the body to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt. Hope.
"Tunapuna man drowns in Blanchisseuse"