Active covid cases now 537, down 2,166 from last week

The covid19 virus as seen under a high-powered microscope. AP Photo
The covid19 virus as seen under a high-powered microscope. AP Photo

THE Ministry of Health has reported 189 new covid19 infections and eight deaths between October 19-25.

In the previous seven-day period, there were 263 new cases and six deaths.

The seven-day average of new cases this week is 27 and the seven-day average of covid-related deaths is one.

Last week, the averages were 38 new cases and one death per day.

Active cases now stand at 537, down 2,166 from 2,703 a week ago. There are 55 patients in hospital, down from 81.


The total number of covid deaths stands at 4,249.

Since the national vaccination programme began over a year ago, 717,614 people have been fully vaccinated, that is, an additional 119 over the past week.

So far, 169,016 people have had a booster shot – 146 more than last week. The percentage of the population that is fully vaccinated increased from 51.2 per cent on August 20 to 51.3 per cent on Tuesday.


"Active covid cases now 537, down 2,166 from last week"

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