It's rejuvenation time for PrideTT

File photo: Members of the LGBTQI community and well wishers parade in celebration of gay pride.
File photo: Members of the LGBTQI community and well wishers parade in celebration of gay pride.

PrideTT, the local LGBTQIA+ organisation responsible for Trinidad and Tobago’s annual Pride celebrations, will celebrate Pride Month from June 24-July 24 with the theme, RejuveNation.

While June is known as International Pride Month, it has been observed for the past five years in Trinidad and Tobago from the end of June to the end of July, a media release said.

"Organisers have used this period to amplify and recognise the history, vitality, contributions and presence of the LGBTQIA+ community," PrideTT said in the release. "The organisation sees this as a catalyst for bringing together Pride in nation and community as it coincides with the 60th anniversary of TT’s independence and seeks to recognise LGBT+ citizens’ contributions toward national development. Under this theme (RejuveNation) PrideTT aims to inspire recovery of both community and country in the wake of the covid19 pandemic," the release said.

PrideTT’s co-director Josh Ryan said it is a time for healing, and that the LGBT+ community matter.

“The world has been through a rough period and TT is no exception, In our programming we are celebrating our love for country while taking up space as LGBT+ citizens in our nation. This is a time for healing of community, restoration of ourselves and our culture and a reminder to our nation and leaders that we are here and we matter.”


The activities will feature a mixture of live and hybrid events including a concert and stage shows, parties, drag shows, a health and education fair, a Pride film festival, a Pride-themed art exhibition and much more, the release said.

The LGBTQ+ Pride fair and parade, which was cancelled for the past two years because of the pandemic, will wrap up the activities.

Creative director Yannick Gibson said in the release, “The programming this year is really a testament to how far we’ve come as a community; that LGBT+ citizens can reconcile their national heritage with their identity as queer individuals, and be able to celebrate; everything is moving in the right direction. The road ahead is still long but we see change on the horizon.”

For more info: or Facebook, on Instagram and @pridetrinbago on Twitter. To volunteer or donate, get in contact at


"It’s rejuvenation time for PrideTT"

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