Bishop's High students enjoy TikTok backpack challenge

A Bishop's High student walks with his toaster as he joins the TikTok backpack challenge. - David Reid
A Bishop's High student walks with his toaster as he joins the TikTok backpack challenge. - David Reid

Bishop's High School had some fun recently participating in the viral TikTok backpack challenge. The challenge was open to staff and students who were encouraged to come to school with anything other than a traditional bag.

A Bishop's High students comes to school with a baby carrier basket as part of the TikTok backpack challenge to go to school with anything other than a bag. - David Reid

Bishop's High principal Cindy Ramnarine told Newsday everyone at the school was allowed to take part.

"We ran it Friday and Monday. We are on rotations so we had it on both days to allow everyone to take part."

A Bishop's High student comes to school with a bird cage as part of a TikTok backpack challenge on Monday. - David Reid


She said the challenge was led by the student tourism club.

A Bishop's High School student enters the compound with an AC unit on his back as part of a TikTok backpack challenge on Monday. - David Reid

"It was a fun event marking the end of test time for staff and students. Our students and staff have not had any opportunity in two years to interact outside of classes in fun events, given the covid. This was one of the creative ways to have some fun and stay within the covid restrictions."

A Bishop's High student comes to school with a bicycle with a basket on Monday. - David Reid


"Bishop’s High students enjoy TikTok backpack challenge"

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