Over 100 Southern Division police in quarantine

Over 100 Southern Division police officers are currently in quarantine for covid19, which has reduced the division’s manpower.
The division’s acting Assistant Commissioner of Police, Beverly Rodriguez, gave this update on Friday during a joint army-police patrol on High Street, San Fernando.
“I must say we are challenged with covid in the police service. We have over 100 officers at present on quarantine, and over 20 officers infected with covid.
“It is affecting us, it is challenging – but we are not throwing our hands in the air.”
Rodriguez admits the reduced manpower has been a curveball for the division’s Christmas anti-crime plan in San Fernando and environs.
But she said the division remains committed to carrying outits mandate for the city and its efforts will be bolstered by the municipal police and the Defence Force.
"Over 100 Southern Division police in quarantine"