South Arrows Archery Club take on national ranking event
SOUTH Arrows Archery Club held an end-of-year national ranking event, on Sunday, at the McKenzie Archery Range, in Chaguaramas.
Head coach Sherwin Francis told Newsday five of the athletes participated under the supervision of national judge Howard Rooks.
He said, “This is the first event of others to follow over the next few weeks due to the restricted numbers because of covid19.
“Fortunately, archery is one of the few sports recognised by the WHO as low-risk and can be safely practised using social distancing measures.” Contact sports are still not allowed in TT under the current restrictions.
He said, “The TT National Archery Federation has been encouraging athletes to take part in various online events. One such event was the Online Archery Cup of the Americas, this event was held over a two-month period from August to September.
“Over 700 athletes across the Americas took part, of which 14 represented Team TTO. The other international event coming up is the World Archery Online Indoor World Series. The event will take place one weekend every month from November 2020 to February 2021, it will culminate with a final for the top teams on the February 27-28 with monetary rewards to be given out.”
Since the covid19 pandemic reached to TT, Francis has been hosting online training sessions with students to keep them in form.
Shiromani Teeluckchan- 476 (Cub, women)
Josiah Ramchandar- 551 (Recurve cub, men)
Kesia Joseph - 351 (Compound cadet, women)
Brieanna Ali- 596 (Compound junior, women)
Sherwin Francis- 677 (Compound open, men)
"South Arrows Archery Club take on national ranking event"