Zainab Kamara
The sun sets at the Pigeon Point Jetty - AYANNA KINSALE
Newsday photographers captured some of these images reflecting the past 24 hours in Trinidad and Tobago. Other photos were submitted by readers like you.
If you'd like to be featured in our daily photo galleries, please e-mail us a photo to with the caption "Photo of the Day" and we will pick one photo each day to feature, with a few sentences about the photographer.
HANDS OFF COLUMBUS: The hands of the Christopher Columbus statue were conspicuously missing as PoS City Corporation workmen visited on Tuesday to start removing a massive tree which fell in the square last week during bad weather. No one knows if the falling tree was behind the damage to the statue. SUREASH CHOLAI
Where people is always on the move, Charlotte Street, China Town in Port of Spain. - SUREASH CHOLAI
Rondel Kendall checks the engine of the Frankie Tours glass bottom at the Bon Accord Lagoon, Tobago - AYANNA KINSALE
Two women watch a closed box office at MovieTowne's Price Plaza, Chaguanas branch on Tuesday. Owner of the business CEO Derek Chin, announced on Sunday that the branch was being closed permanently. - ANGELO MARCELLE
One of the country's security radar '360' system, towers above the vegetation on the Toco peninsula, near the Toco Lighthouse Facility, Galera Road, Toco. - ROGER JACOB
"Photos of the day: October 13, 2020"