[UPDATE] PEP leader faces lawsuit over tent statements

BUSINESSMAN Ricky Raghunanan is calling on political leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) Phillip Edward Alexander to immediately remove what he says are defamatory statements the latter made during a Facebook live broadcast earlier this month.
Raghunanan’s attorneys Criston J Williams and Kashif Gibson on Tuesday issued a pre-action protocol letter to Alexander which also called on him to retract the statements and offer compensation and an apology, both online and published in the daily newspapers.
Alexander was given seven days to acknowledge receiving the letter and 14 days to respond to it.
Raghunanan is the managing director of Ricky Raghunanan Ltd, the parent company of Advanced Form Work Company, which rents framework for the construction sector; Eco Equipment Rental Company, which provides the rental of heavy equipment; and Rickel Services, which provides the rental of tents, chairs, tables and portable toilets.
According to the letter, Alexander, on June 9, in a Facebook live video, mentioned Raghunanan by name and spoke of the supply of stage and tents for election campaigns. He also mentioned the two main political parties and their leaders.
Alexander was told that in his “quest to be relevant in the current political climate,” he abused his right of freedom of speech in making his defamatory and “grossly incorrect comments” about Raghunanan.
The attorneys also said Alexander used his “selfish ambitions” by directly mentioning Raghunanan’s name and businesses.
Gibson, who sent the letter, said their client wished to keep the cost of resolving the dispute at a minimum, so they asked that Alexander agree to a settlement.
The settlement will include, but is not limited to, an apology on Alexander’s Facebook page, an apology in the local newspapers, and compensation.
Gibson said the words used by Alexander were meant to be understood that Raghunanan lacked integrity or honesty and was susceptible to bribery and used his position of trust for dishonest gain.
He said the businessman has been ridiculed and brought into contempt by the statements made and suffered injury to his character, credit and reputation.
The attorneys have asked for the immediate removal of the defamatory statements from Facebook and called on Alexander to cease and desist from posting such statements about Raghunanan.
They warned Alexander that if he fails to communicate with them to reach a settlement, they will commence legal proceedings for an immediate retraction and compensation.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this story mistakenly referred to Phillip Alexander's party as the "Progressive Empowerment Party." Our apologies for the error.
"[UPDATE] PEP leader faces lawsuit over tent statements"