TTUTA to consult Caribbean union on CXC

If the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) does not amend the decision to have the exam in July, the TT Unified Teachers Association (TTUTA) will meet with the general council of the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT) said TTUTA president Antonia De Freitas.
De Freitas said, “It will be decided by the general council of TTUTA. We will have a discussion with the general council and they will make the determination to the next step forward because the concerns that are being raised now, the association raised those same concerns from the onset of the issue.
“The CUT issued a letter to CXC to make adjustments and to reconsider their position on the issue.”
On Wednesday, Education Minister Anthony Garcia said the CXC is a regional exam and TT must adhere to the region's decision.
In an interview on Thursday, De Freitas said the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT) represents teachers union from around the region and they will have the last say on the matter.
De Freitas said the CXC had not considered the negative impact on students and teachers that came with hosting the examinations in July.
She said TTUTA was in constant communication with the CUT.
In a release on Monday, the CUT said the union was deeply concerned about the decision taken by the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) at a meeting on May 8, to support the administration of CXC for the CSEC exam to be held in July.
“The decision was contrary to the recommended position of CUT for the sitting to be held in September.
“The unfortunate decision places the lives of thousands of students and teachers at risk, as all the issues surrounding the administration of the examinations have not been addressed.”
In a letter to the registrar to CXC dated April 16, the CUT said the union informed the examination council that the union had engaged its members' units and they are vehemently opposed to the administration of the CXC examinations any time before September.
The CUT said the letter outlined several concerns which include health and safety issues, the need for greater engagement on the format of the examination, and the validity issues associated with the proposed format of the examination.
Several efforts to reach out to the CXC were unsuccessful.
"TTUTA to consult Caribbean union on CXC"