NCIC celebrates TT’s Independence with classic songs

Kries Ramkhelawan
Kries Ramkhelawan

THE National Council for Indian Culture (NCIC) will mark TT’s 57th anniversary of Independence with an evening of classical songs at the Divali Nagar in Charlieville, Chaguanas. Surujdeo Mangaroo, PRO of the NCIC, said this year the council has chosen to explore ancient songs done in the Bhojpuri language.

“Today, music has evolved a lot but there is a big following for the original classical songs of yesteryear.”

The council is inviting Suriname’s Kries Ramkhelawan and his orchestra to team up with central-based TT singer Dubraj Persad.

Ramkelawan, a businessman/musician from Paramaribo, has been visiting TT every year to perform.

“Trinidad is the only place in the Caribbean where people of all walks of life can enjoy classical music,” he said in a telephone interview. Ramkhelawan has been inviting several performers from TT to his country through the Saathi Foundation which he leads.


“It is always healthy to host shows which feature the different talents in the Caribbean islands.”

Persad, who is from Couva, has been singing classical songs since his childhood days. “I believe that the classical rhythms and tunes always capture the local audience.” He will be doing his popular hit song, Gunga Gaana as well as Najhariya Lobay, Phagun Pich Jaye, Sajan Ki Naina and Tum Bin Laga.

The show is on Friday at 7pm and admission is free.


"NCIC celebrates TT’s Independence with classic songs"

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