Tobago mourns Choo Kong’s passing

TAKEN AWAY: Theatre arts veteran Raymond Choo Kong. 
TAKEN AWAY: Theatre arts veteran Raymond Choo Kong. FILE PHOTO

THE Tobago House of Assembly has described the murder of veteran actor Raymond Choo Kong as a painful blow to the entire nation.

In a release issued on Monday, hours after news of his murder, Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles said Choo Kong’s death had taken the entire country by surprise.

“This is indeed a grave loss for the arts and culture fraternity and all of TT, as well as those who experienced and were impacted by Mr Choo Kong’s works of art in other parts of the world. He was very passionate about his craft and he ensured that theatre arts found a recognisable spot on the cultural landscape of this country.

“His legacy shall certainly live on.” He said, “Tobago is no stranger to plays written and directed by the legendary Choo Kong, as he ensured that we (in Tobago) also had the opportunity to partake in his creative works on stage. I encourage us all to keep the family and loved ones of Choo Kong in our prayers. They will need as much support as possible, as they come to terms with this sudden loss. I sincerely empathise with all affected at this time.”

Charles said that he and the THA continued to monitor and assess occurrences in Tobago very carefully and would continue to make every effort to keep crime in Tobago at a minimum, in light of the recent surge of criminal activities across TT.


Secretary for the Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation Nadine Stewart described Choo Kong as a son of the soil adding that his death served as a blow to the culture and arts fraternity in TT.

“The Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation pause amidst the celebration of Tobago’s cultural heritage to extend sincerest condolences to the family and friends of the late Raymond Choo Kong.

“His countless contributions to the development and transformation of the theatre industry will never be forgotten. He was undoubtedly one of the nation’s revered icons, a talented son of the soil who will truly be missed.” Choo Kong was found dead, with multiple stab wounds, at 1 pm on Monday at his Arima home.


"Tobago mourns Choo Kong’s passing"

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