Abolish SEA, fire non-performers

People’s Empowerment Party (PEP) political leader Phillip Edward Alexander. FILE PHOTO
People’s Empowerment Party (PEP) political leader Phillip Edward Alexander. FILE PHOTO

POLITICAL leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) Phillip Edward Alexander said leaders and politicians know the education system is filled with corruption and racket. Educational Facilities Company Limited is corrupt, evident in what’s happening with the scenario of school books.

“The PEP plans to abolish the SEA exams and make all schools into ‘ten year’ schools,” Alexander said. Speaking at the second anniversary of PEP in Ste Madeleine on Saturday, he said the state of the country is a direct result of what the people have tolerated for the past 36 years.

Alexander pointed out that many times teachers do their best but they cannot succeed as they are dealing with a dysfunctional homes where there might be the issue of poverty.

“In order to raise the standard of the education system each child will be given a Grade Point Average (GPA), with this the collective GPA of the class will become the teacher’s GPA and this will reflect in the principal’s GPA,” he said

Alexander said it’s time for people to recall legislation as TT elects dictators to office. “People should be able to fire their representative if they are not doing the job,” he said. He pointed out that his party does not contain one single recycled politician, but instead comprise members who want a better country and are willing to stand up for it.

He touched PM Keith Rowley’s recent two-part address to the nation. “When you have a PM who doesn’t know that he doesn’t know and an opposition leader who doesn’t care to know, we are in trouble,” Alexander said. He quoted Einstein: “If you cannot explain it simply then you do not understand it sufficiently.”

He apologised to the people of Tobago for not hosting a meeting there in the two years that the PEP was formed. “I am afraid we may not be able to get back to Trinidad,” he quipped.

Venezuela, he stated, did not think it would have reached the state it is in now, as it has the largest reserve of natural oil in the world. “Venezuela pumps more oil in a day than TT does in five years. Today people are made to eat from the garbage and this situation can happen in TT,” he said.

He noted that there was no reason to shut Caroni or Petrotrin down as in doing this, the government has destroyed families and communities. The issue of roads, lights, water, hospital school jobs, the economy, foreign exchange, housing is the PM’s job and if he cannot take care of these basic need, the PM needs to fire himself. “It’s time the people of TT take control of what passes for government,” he said.


"Abolish SEA, fire non-performers"

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