PM: Have confidence in this nation

Christopher Tambu Herbert perform at the Prime Minister’s Republic Day concert Songs of Devotion yesterday. PHOTOS BY ENRIQUE ASSOON
Photo by Enrique Assoon .
Photo by Enrique Assoon .
Christopher Tambu Herbert perform at the Prime Minister’s Republic Day concert Songs of Devotion yesterday. PHOTOS BY ENRIQUE ASSOON Photo by Enrique Assoon . Photo by Enrique Assoon .

At yesterday’s Songs of Devotion Republic Day event held at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley called on citizens to have confidence in TT.

He said: “Nobody promises us a perfect day every day but there are promises that we can’t deny.

Wherever we wish to be we know that joy cometh in the morning. I simply want to ask all of you to have confidence in yourselves, have confidence in your family, have confidence in those you put in authority and have confidence in this nation and everything is going to be alright.”

After taking in the spiritual performances for the entire morning Dr Rowley’s first comment was, “My eyes have seen the beauty of our people,” to which he earned thunderous applause.

People of Praise Community on Steelpan perform at Songs of Devotion Concert.


He said: “From our music we felt the spirit of oneness. Whatever you might have been thinking years ago, if you had doubt that there would have been a day like this, today, this day is here. If you ever had doubt about our future, the little children from Libertville and all the voices raised should convince us that we are one strong beautiful nation.”

He then thanked all those who made the event possible and in particular members of the religious bodies who turned up to be a part of the event. Dr Rowley closed his short address saying: “So as we continue to absorb the vibes of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, I want you to sing your own songs and make that personal commitment to be a better person in a better nation.”

Shiv Shakti Dancers performing yesterday at the prime minister’s Republic Day concert Songs of Devotion at the Grand Stand, Queen’s Park Savannah

Outstanding and inspirational performances came from Denyse Plummer, dressed in all white, with the Eastern Choral and John Thomas who sang I Believe, Imela and Let the Flowers Bloom Again, Thomas, Mya Scott, Isaac and Nehilet Blackman with Our Nation’s Dawning and the St Hilaire Brothers backed by the Barataria Youth Choir with Magnify The Lord, Thou Art a Shield.

The crowd got on its feet applauding the performance of the choir and the brothers, after which Thomas led the crowd into singing Let There be Peace on Earth.

The emcee then got into the crowd to question the audience on their one prayer for TT.

A man from Diego Martin said peace in TT, Brenda Williams from Belmont wants the PM to be in office forever, earning herself hearty applause, and the next Republic Day prayer wish from ‘James’ was for all to live in peace and harmony, while little Aria’s prayer was to make sure everybody live as one.

The Libertville TML Primary School gave a musical performance of choral singing before Pastor Christopher Tambu Herbert and the CCA Choir had the crowd singing along to the chorus of No Greater Love, after which he preached: “We have a lot to give God praise for, we complain too much, we must not be known as the land of the ungrateful,” then he went straight into his song Give God the Praise and got full participation from the crowd. He then declared: “This nation under God shall prosper and will become the leader in the Caribbean with peace, love, unity and togetherness. We are blessed and who God bless no man shall curse.” Loud applause followed.

Neisha Guy, the 2014 Rising Star was up next with Ago Ago Lona and Ella Andall’s Bring Down The Power, then came the People of Praise Community Steelband that played He Did It Again, then joined by their choir, delivered Overflow.


“This is our nation, this is our land, there is so much beauty in TT, they don’t want anything with TT, some say we are down but I say we are standing,” said the emcee.


"PM: Have confidence in this nation"

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