Walk for Jesus

SEVEN years ago Nathalia Lee faced a battle with stage four cancer. But she said Jesus stepped in and took away all traces of cancer from her body and it is for this reason that she started the Cancer Walk for Jesus (CWF Jesus).
“This is a testimonial, celebratory walk of God’s healing power through Jesus Christ. and we are aiming to have at least 700 to 1,000 participants celebrating and lifting up the name of Jesus who is our healer! Everyone is welcomed to join us,” she declared.
The annual CWF Jesus will be held on September 22 at Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, opposite TGIF from 8 am.
Lee said the walk is the first of its kind in the Caribbean.
“I am the only living person that has ever walked out of a hospice from what supposed to be their deathbed, as well as there is no other cancer walk that lifts up the name of Jesus. Most cancer walks are for the awareness of the different types of cancer, and its relevant information. Cancer Walk for Jesus is the awareness of the fact that miracles still do happen and I am living proof of what Jesus can do.”
The walk is also geared towards all who are ill, those for whom doctors have given up hope, she said, and as well as those who have shared in the healing of God. “It is a walk for all.”
Lee said she is not in remission, but has been healed.
“It has been an extremely long journey but I never gave up on my faith and simply trusted the will of God. His will was and is for me to live. I shall live and not die. On September 14, 2011, the pain was past unbearable and I laid in a straight position, because any movement produced inner screams. I prayed a simple, simple prayer, asking God to give me a testimony or take me home, then I closed my eyes, not knowing if I would ever open them again. I then heard Him… I heard the voice of God’s Holy Spirit saying very clearly, ‘Get up, you are healed!’ I opened my eyes and knew from that moment, I had been totally and completely healed. I felt absolutely no pain. Thank you Jesus.”
It was Lee’s fourth battle with cancer, reaching stage four on the last occasion. But now healed, Lee said she is a living testimony of God’s healing grace. “From a body totally riddled with cancer on a deathbed to not one trace of cancer with just one touch of Jesus. I had to pray a different prayer that my healing be revealed to the doctors. My doctor observed that I refused medication and was actually asking for more food. He was clearly baffled and decided to send me to do the full battery of tests.
“The end result was the top oncologist was totally bewildered, confused, stumped, shocked at my results that he called the doctor at Living Water Hospice to tell him he sent the wrong person – mistaken identity. Then on confirming that it was me, he voiced what was in the report – I had no cancer anywhere in my body.”
Lee is now urging other people who are experiencing the illness, or any other type of disease, that Jesus is the one-stop and the cure all.
“When you are in pain, when it becomes too overwhelming, when you think you are at your last, just whisper Jesus,” said Lee.
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Asked how life’s been since being healed, Lee said with a smile, “No words can be adequate. Life has been a series of non-stop up and downs, nevertheless God is glorified in every circumstance. I am no different from any other person. Life has its challenges but my Father’s promises are true. Therefore, whatever the day brings, I thank God, I endure, I rejoice, I cry, I sob, I cry out, I rejoice, I laugh, I laugh so hard at times, I rejoice. ‘Look beyond’ are His words and I use them to encourage all who may be going through a personal storm – the winds will die down, the sea of your life will become calm again – have faith and trust in the one who knows our future and is the author and finisher of everything.”
Lee said she goes anywhere, anytime, any place to pray for those who are ill, because God allowed her to go through cancer four times before healing her.
“Work wise, I manage a catering business – Pink Chef Catering Services. I am an executive chef and do every type of cuisine. After being healed God gave me the genesis of certain recipes which today I have different types of customised, gluten-free loaves of bread, cakes and so on. I also do healthy meals for those afflicted with any sort of disease that does not allow them to enjoy the foods they love such as cakes, juices and ice cream and flour-based items. I also have natural juices.’
Spiritually, Lee said her NGO is to carry out God’s mandates and to share the gospel of Jesus. “Most of my time is spent with persons with cancer and their families. We deal with other issues, however, mainly cancer patients. I go to them anywhere, any time, to give counselling, prayer and to tell them about Jesus.” She said her organisation is dedicated to assisting anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer.
“We do not only provide prayer and deep-level counselling to the individuals, as well as families, but provide cancer patients with medication, comforts such as blankets, specific diet needs, and at times equipment such as wheelchairs, artificial limbs, beds and so on.”
CWF Jesus also assists patients who face social or relationship challenges before, or as a direct result of their diagnosis, via affiliations with established social structures, facilitating their journey to recovery.
As a registered NGO, CWF Jesus has an ongoing mandate to financially support its operations and its mission in as many ways as they can, because of the number of people needing a helping hand to get back on their feet.
A few of CWF Jesus’ achievements over the last five years include the purchase of oxygen tanks, wheelchairs and medicine for the needy, donations to the Just Because Foundation, Living Water Community, Personal Student Learning Unit (whose founder passed away from cancer) and to many individuals and families.
For the walk, all participants must register and asked to purchase a T-shirt with the Cancer Walk For Jesus logo.
"Walk for Jesus"