Poor literacy skills arehampering SEA students

THE EDITOR: Poor literacy skills is one of the main contributory factors in relation to students’ underachievement in the recent SEA examination. This has assumed crisis proportion since literacy competence is the cornerstone to attainment of quality education for our children.

There must be a multifaceted approach involving key stakeholders including parents, teachers and john public on our way to a fundamental solution.

In discussion with the Minster of Education and top functionaries of his ministry, we recognise that laudable efforts are being made to deal with the problem. We applaud what is being done, but we at MOMS for Literacy are of the opinion that much more must be done, and it must involve a greater level of collaboration.

There must be greater urgency and focus in a comprehensive and accelerated approach to this problem of low literacy competence. The approach must be data-driven and built into it must be regular evaluation, utilising instruments that will lead to valid and reliable information, which enable us to work within the context of light, rather than working in an environment where darkness prevails.

If we don’t act expeditiously, many of our children will not be able to attain their cherished dreams and goals, because of poor literacy competence. We must act now with a sense of purpose.


As a nation we can no longer bury our heads in the sand about this issue. We must urgently work together to positively transform our situation. If not, many of our children will not be able to access quality education. This is a clarion call to improve the competence among our children and adult population.


programme coordinator

MOMS for Literacy


"Poor literacy skills arehampering SEA students"

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