UNC’s politics of denial, negativity

THE EDITOR: The United National Congress (UNC) has taken the opportunity in both Houses of Parliament to peddle negative sentiments about the country’s economic outlook. While the obvious is known with regard to the increase in global energy prices, increased production levels and increased investments in the energy sector, the UNC continues to play the politics of denial.

The Minister of Finance has made the declaration of a turnaround, economic growth and a booming economy pointing to a light in sight at the end of the tunnel. It must be noted that the facts are there in the public domain and the turnaround of the economy cannot be denied.

Members of the Independent bench of the Senate acknowledged that the Government has done a commendable job at managing the economy during our difficult economic circumstances. Additionally, independents highlighted the positive effects of the current economic developments for the people of TT.

Most members of the Senate and other members of society have taken the opportunity to caution the Government about what it does with the increase in revenues. Our ability to work together as a nation at this time, to move our economy forward, is critical and therefore productive recommendations are welcomed.

The UNC continues to deny that the economy is improving and has stuck itself in a political rhetoric of bashing the Government. The last thing we need as a nation is negativity while rebuilding an economy and seeing the signs of recovery at hand.


As a nation we are extremely fortunate to have good leadership in government which has resulted in both bpTT and Shell committing to invest US$5 billion each in TT over the next five years. Therefore, even in the midst of all the politics of denial and negativity from the UNC, our economy has been well managed and remains relatively stable and attractive.

Let’s all work together to make the best of the opportunities at hand with positivity and duty of nationalism. We have all sacrificed over the last couple years to keep our economy going and we must all work together now and in the future to ensure accountability, transparency, prudence and sustainability with our increased revenues.

HUGGINS, social media officer, PNM


"UNC’s politics of denial, negativity"

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