Shaking hands

THE EDITOR: Millions of people shake hands without knowing the benefits of it.

Shaking hands reveals respect. It is a gesture of honour and a high regard of a person. Shaking hands shows signs of love, affection and etiquette. Handshaking occurs when a man touches the two hands of another man with his two hands. It is opposed to the modern handshaking of one hand. Prophet Muhammad used to shake hands with his companions.

In Islam it is unlawful for a young man to shake hands with a grown-up girl and vice versa. Prophet Muhammad said when two Muslims meet and shake hands, after this they are both forgotten before parting.

He also said that when Muslims meet, shake hands, praise Allah and seek His forgiveness they are forgiven. He advised that handshaking causes fraud to disappear. Let us remember the good and bad of handshaking.

, Curepe



"Shaking hands"

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