Do Pan Trinbago leaders love pan?
THE EDITOR: I and many of my era of the 1950s grew up in Belmont hearing pan on the streets for many a celebration – Christmas, Easter, Colts Football Club winning the FA or BVD Cups. There were bands like Casablanca, Sunland, Syncopators, Renegades and Dem Fortunates. And of course the steelband badjohns were Baround, Pink Eye, Byer Brothers, Gold Teeth, Little Axe, Whity Kinkade etc. Those names were recognised in the community as panmen and protectors of their neighbourhood.
Whether those panmen of the past were lovers of pan is questionable for in battle they destroyed the enemy’s instruments – even their own.
The words “love for pan” have transcended to the present leaders in Pan Trinbago who were elected to protect and promote the interest of pan and the panman. But the cry among today’s players is that the executive of the organisation seeks their own interest and the players are getting poor representation. They say the leaders have poor managerial skills.
What we are seeing today is that the executive members are refusing to leave their gracious seats in Pan Trinbago, although being asked to vacate their elected posts by the membership. The view of many is the present executive members are not lovers of pan, but benefactors of pan. Prove them wrong.
"Do Pan Trinbago leaders love pan?"