EMA speaks out on Tobago jetty impasse

THE Environmental Management Authority (EMA) has issued a release clarifying recent statements on planned work at the Barbados Bay jetty in Tobago by Studley Park Enterprises Ltd (SPEL). This work has led to an impasse between the company and fishermen.

The fishermen claim SPEL had no EMA approval and asked why no impact assessment was done. SPEL manager Dexter East had told them SPEL had no intention of breaching any policy, but that no EMA certification was necessary, and no impact assessment was done or arranged to be done. The EMA confirmed on Wednesday it had received an application from SPEL for a certificate of environmental clearance (CEC) on October 3. The EMA explained this CEC application was to “establish a quarry load-out facility in the sheltered waters of Granby, Barbados Bay, Tobago. This would permit the export of aggregate to Trinidad, thereby avoiding congestion at Scarborough.”

The authority pointed out the application referred specifically to a site east of Scarborough, west of Roxborough, and west of the Studley Park landfill, where no jetty exists. “After reviewing the application, the EMA requested further information and is awaiting same from SPEL to continue processing the application.” On remedial work at the existing jetty in Barbados Bay, the EMA has been told SPEL now intends to apply for a CEC. This site is west of the area that is the subject of the CEC application currently being processed.

The authority wanted to assure concerned citizens and involved parties that once the application is received, it will be reviewed and processed in accordance with the Environmental Management Act and its subsidiary CEC rules. “The national community will be kept abreast of developments concerning this matter. “The EMA will continue to exercise its responsibilities with due diligence on activities impacting our environment.” The authority also reminded the public that they may contact the EMA’s emergency response hotline at 680-9588 in the event of an environmental incident, or for complaints: complaints@ema.co.tt.


"EMA speaks out on Tobago jetty impasse"

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