TTCB members demandreview committee report
CHAIRMAN of the South Zonal Council and member of the TT Cricket Board (TTCB) Chaitram Ramjitsingh, is calling on executive members of the TTCB to make the contents of the Independance Review Committee report available for all members of the TTCB.
Last year, the TTCB acting on a resolution passed at a special general meeting appointed an Independent Review Committee (IRC) to examine its current governance structure and make recommendations.
The IRC was also appointed to look at the TTCB’s organisational structure, as well as study submissions made by stakeholders regarding same.
The appointment of the IRC became effective on September 11, 2017.
In a letter by Ramjitsingh to the secretary of the TTCB Arjoon Ramlal yesterday, the former said a report was presented by the IRC and questioned why all members of the TTCB did not receive a copy of the report.
Ramjitsingh said, “We have learnt through the media that the report was submitted seven days ago. Yet, members of the TTCB who passed the resolution in good faith and great anticipation of an independent review of the governance of the TTCB, have not yet received a copy. We understand that the document was handed personally to Mr Azim Bassarath, president TTCB, and other members of the executive including your good self. On the basis that more than seven days have elapsed since your receipt of the document and that the resolution made it clear that ‘the TTCB must meet within 10 days of receipt of the report’ we are extremely concerned that both the principle and letter of the resolution will be ignored. In other words, if the ten-day mandate is now belatedly respected, members will not have the time to fully read and understand the findings and recommendations of the IRC. On the other hand, if the mandate and terms of reference of the lRC and the resolution made by the board are disregarded, then the work of the IRC would be in vain and its recommendations ignored.”
Ramjitsingh continued, “Additionally, the fact that the board approved the establishment of the IRC and the 10-day framework to review the document seems to carry little weight with Mr Bassarath and his inner circle, despite the clearly acknowledged need for the review and the public interest, especially among players, the Government and prospective sponsors, in its findings and recommendations.
“We (TTCB members), therefore, request that a copy of the report be sent to all members of the TTCB immediately and a date for a meeting within the 10-day period be called in compliance with the resolution of the board. We await your urgent response and attention.”
The letter was copied to members of the TTCB and members of the IRC.
"TTCB members demandreview committee report"