Police shoot to live

THE EDITOR: I read an article in the Newsday dated December, 22 entitled “Penelope Spencer: Police should not shoot to kill.” This is an all too familiar sentiment expressed by people who I am certain have never been involved in a shootout, and have absolutely no idea what it entails to engage a moving target.

It’s easy for the arm-chair critics to say that the officers should have shot him in the arm, or his leg or buttocks as if the target is not also shooting at the police or just standing still and waiting to be fired upon. Imagine police officers responded to a report of someone being robbed in their home at gunpoint, the police respond quickly and are engaged in a shootout with the bandits and these are the kind of views being expressed by some.

It really eh easy bein ah police nah; damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

The police should be commended and not condemned for their quick response and effective police work. What never ceases to amaze me is that this kind of sympathy is never expressed when police officers are fatally shot by criminals. I wonder what would have been Ms Spencer’s views if the 15-year-old child had killed PC Anand Ram? The gunshot wound that PC Ram sustained to his abdomen in that incident could have been lethal, however, no pity was expressed by Ms Spencer for his misfortune.

Fortunately, PC Ram has survived to see another day and to continue serving his country. So, to Ms Spencer and so many others who frequently make the statement that police officers should not shoot to kill; well they don’t, they shoot to live!




"Police shoot to live"

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