In the image of Hollywood

THE EDITOR: When it is said that the society is failing our females, our youth and that we are breeding criminals, apportioning blame can be difficult. Unfortunately, it can be alleged that in TT people are mesmerised by what they see on TV. The men are captivated by the star boys on Fast and Furious and the females live to emulate the behaviours on the soap operas. How can we not mention BET and other music channels? The guns, the bling, the drugs being served up like cotton candy. Wine, women and song. We compare our police to TV police shows and we come away feeling dissatisfied. Unrealistic scenarios have taken root as normal male/female transactions and we do not have the number of options for making a dent in controlling day to day relationship problems.

When coming to females they have to be cautioned, look before you leap. The really nice men are never filthy rich because they are ashamed to be associated with thievery. The really nice women ask questions and do not rush into relationships just because they have to show off a boyfriend. TT men cannot deal with rejection on any sensible level and get violent at the drop of a hat. The must have a handsome boyfriend and a beautiful, scantily clad woman is the order of the day.

TT is the living image of Hollywood/Bollywood and we are, all of us, showcasing ourselves at the various cinemas nearest to us.

We fail ourselves by the paucity of good choices and the lack of qualified psychological and societal back up.




"In the image of Hollywood"

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