Now the age of awakening
THE EDITOR: The more things change, the more they remain the same — from PP to PNM, from BWIA to CAL, from NHA to HDC, from Ministry of Sports to Sport Company, and all the other impending superficial name changes. From TDC and Revenue Authority to who knows?
We have certainly reached the crossroads. We know where we have been, where we are, where we should be and where we want to be.
The citizenry is tired of platitudinous sound bites from people who make not splendid political minds nor figures, claiming to be of the people while we need figures for the people.
Now this may seem as an inconvenient truth but the juvenile, dull-minded to-and-fro braying by the Government and Opposition alike is why TT is in this morass. The cloak of blame is only to shroud weakness. This is the mauvais langue culture we enjoy and must pay for.
We wear the chain we forged, link by link, in this country. The links of crime, corruption (in legal form), lawlessness, nepotism, mediocrity, poor governance, social injustices (perceived or not) make up the heavy chain we bear.
It is now the age of awakening and the end of crapaud-in-tie politics.
"Now the age of awakening"