Let's cherish loved ones

THE EDITOR: We all have friends, family members, co-workers and neighbours with whom we have developed relationships. We must cherish every opportunity we have with them.

Life is like a vapour, today we are here and tomorrow we are gone. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. We can never tell when our loved one will depart. It can happen in a split second.

Cherishing the moment means showing affection, tenderness and appreciation to a loved one. As human beings we will have our disagreements and moments of anger with others, but, as the Bible says, “don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.”

Can you imagine having a quarrel with a loved one during the day and not resolving it and to your horror that loved one dies in their sleep? That would be traumatic. The pain of losing a loved one and not resolving an issue can cause one to feel guilty, overwhelmed and regretful.

Cherishing each other is no easy task, especially when there are issues to be resolved. But we have to be understanding, considerate and compassionate with one another. Having regrets can cause so much pain and guilt. Living with guilt eats at the soul.


When a loved one departs, reflecting on those cherished moments will bring healing to a grieving heart. So let’s cherish our loved ones while we have them.


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"Let's cherish loved ones"

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