Unfortunate timing, AG

THE EDITOR: The recent timing by the Attorney General to kill the impasse between the Auditor General and the Minister of Finance is sadly unfortunate. The release at the beginning of a frenzied Carnival weekend showed his disrespect for the concerns of the nation. He knew the flaws of his statement and chose to hide behind the hysteria of the festival.
After reading the press release and the paper trail that created this battle, after distilling all the fancy words and actions, it simply boils down to one thing alone – the Minister of Finance is found badly wanting.
The Auditor General has at every turn performed her duties according to the set standard without compromise. She resisted and refused to be intimidated and was vindicated by the highest court of the land.
In fact, the dirty spotlight was shifted from her to the minister himself. Now we are hearing that the error was found, that the mistakes were revealed, and solutions given, and we are expected to accept this moving forward.
Mr Attorney General, have you found the missing billions? Have you accounted for the behaviour of your ministry in supporting the Finance Minister in his failed attempt to strongarm the Auditor General?
It is an insult to the intelligence of this nation to try to drown this matter in the euphoria of Carnival and sweep it under the rug.
Again, as I have always pleaded to citizens, please take the wool from your eyes and look at the future we are leaving for our children. For this, these two men should have left their offices in disgrace, but here they are rewarded with security, tenure, and the love and adoration of their party and its politics.
Good luck TT in trying to become a First World nation.
"Unfortunate timing, AG"